Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis

The Psychology and Psychotherapy Office of Dr. Laura Pedrazin offers support and therapy services for states of distress such as anxiety disorders, depression, panic, obsessive thoughts, phobias, physical symptoms of psychological origin.


Human beings carry an Unconscious, i.e., the set of impulses, forces, fantasies, conflicts and repressed desires not present to consciousness, which manifest themselves through derivatives (dreams, lapses, forgetfulness, body language, etc.), but which can also emerge as psychic and physical discomfort.

The services offered by the Psychology and Psychotherapy Studio, Milan aim to manage psychic distress by investigating this Unconscious, in order to help people know its strengths and resolve its conflicts.


“The stand-in of the analyst, on which transference occurs, is basic to bringing out the deep elements of psychic life.”

Cesare Musatti

Psychological counseling

Meetings in which information is gathered to clarify and define a particular problem from a psychological perspective.

Supportive psychotherapy

Useful for alleviating psychic suffering that is expressed through psychological symptoms, psychosomatic disorders or relationship difficulties.

Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

Allows one to trace the unconscious causes of psychic suffering and act on them; therapy expands the options for defensive operations.

Dr. Laura Pedrazin

Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, enrolled in the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy at No. 25499

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst,

The disorders treated…

Psychoanalyst Milan
Anxiety states and panic attacks

Anxiety is the anticipation of a future threat, however, an excessive share of anxiety can become pathological and generate symptoms such as panic attacks, generalized anxiety, various phobias and social phobia, obsessions, and compulsions. Generalized anxiety often manifests itself through palpitations, sweating, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, and insomnia.

Eating disorders

The main eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. In the former, excessive preoccupation with weight loss is present, to the point of falling below the minimum expected weight for age and stature. In the second, the patient can no longer control the amount of food ingested, subsequently implementing compensatory behaviors to lose weight: self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, fasting.

Personality disorders

Bipolar disorder, narcissistic disorder, dependent disorder, etc. are all examples of personality disorder. A personality disorder is a set of thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and emotional-affective responses that people habitually use to relate to themselves and the world around them, but which cause them psychological distress, relational difficulties, and less ability to adapt to their environment.

Sexual disorders and dysfunctions

These are symptoms concerning the reproductive system, desire or arousal. On the female side we find frigidity and pain during intercourse, on the male side impotence or premature ejaculation. They do not allow one to experience a fulfilling sexuality and are often only the “tip of the iceberg” of relationship difficulties or personal problems.


Depression is an individual’s response to life circumstances or events that have disturbed his or her psychological balance. It may be chronic, reactive or anxious in nature (i.e., related to anxious symptoms). The depressive episode is characterized by the presence of deep sadness and a feeling of feeling “empty.” One may experience lack of energy and feelings of guilt and self-evaluation, memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, indecision, and even recurrent thoughts of death.

A psychotherapy pathway for…

  • Treating psychopathological symptoms and disorders

    Supportive psychotherapy or, even more so, psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy enables the person to manage and overcome symptoms such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, compulsions, feelings of low self-esteem or inadequacy, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, somatic manifestations, sleep disorders, and different types of addictions (gambling, substance, Internet, etc.).


  • Coping with trauma and emotional wounds

    In life we may be faced with events (e.g., bereavement, separation, physical or psychological violence, etc.) that can have a traumatic effect on us. A traumatic event may consist of a single episode or a series of relatively less severe but protracted episodes. Psychoanalytic therapy promotes in the patient the processing of the experience, which is nothing more than being able to think about something that was previously unthinkable (and thus expressed itself through psychic discomfort), giving it its proper place in the mind.

  • Understanding each other for change

    A psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy aims at reflection, then at bringing the person to “look within,” in an attempt to discover himself in his own authenticity. Often the patient may experience so-called “insights,” i.e., moments of “enlightenment” about certain ways of thinking, acting or feeling that affect his or her daily and relational life, but which he or she had not yet considered from that perspective and the causes of which he or she had not yet explored.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy helps improve the management of internal and external conflicts, more intense emotions and interpersonal relationships, allowing access to a more authentic version of oneself and a more satisfying life.


How long does a therapy session last?

Each therapy session generally lasts 50 minutes. The frequency and duration of treatment depend on the patient's individual needs.


Is the therapy confidential?

Yes, all information shared during sessions is strictly confidential and protected by ethical and ethical standards.


How can I book an appointment?

You can book an appointment by contacting me by phone or sending an email. Also based on your needs, together we will agree on a dedicated day and time, which will be stable over time.


What therapeutic methods does Dr. Pedrazin use?

In my clinical practice I use a psychoanalytic approach involving the use of free associations, defense recognition and dream analysis. However, I adapt the treatment according to the specific needs of the patient.


Is it possible to do therapy online?

Yes, I also offer online therapy sessions for those who prefer or need this format. Contact me for more details.


What are the costs of the sessions?

Session costs vary depending on the type of therapy and duration of treatment. I invite you to contact me to discuss the options available.


Is the therapy suitable for me?

Therapy can be useful for anyone who presents with an uncomfortable condition and wishes to listen to themselves to better understand how it may have originated and how they can re-establish a new balance.


What to expect during the first interview?

During the initial interview, I will listen to your reasons for coming to the studio and we will discuss your motivations, needs and goals together so that we can agree on the most suitable type of path.

Contact the firm:

Privacy Acceptance

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via Giulio Cesare Procaccini 11,
20154, Milan

Public transportation:

Tramways 10 and 12

M5 subway stops: Jerusalem or Monumental Cemetery

Reception hours

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00

He receives by appointment.