Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Milan

Laura Pedrazin, Degree in Clinical Psychology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan,
Order of Psychologists of Lombardy No. 25499.

Individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy for adults and young adults

    Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy over time aims to act on a person’s character.
    Character is the set of psychic characteristics that show stability and continuity over time. Sometimes it may happen that a person develops particularly rigid psychic characteristics over time, creating a kind of “character armor” with related psychological symptoms, which expresses that individual’s way of functioning. While it serves the latter to cope with the frustrating and painful experiences of life, on the other hand, however, this “armor” runs the risk of “caging” him and limiting him in his expansive and vital movement. The “armor” protects against distress but limits pleasure, which only follows from the free flow of energy.

    Psychoanalysis is a deep journey into the Unconscious.
    It is an opportunity to explore the roots of our thoughts and behaviors. Through this process, we can discover hidden patterns that influence our daily lives. It is a method that requires time and patience, but the results can be transformative. Learning about ourselves in a deeper way allows us to face challenges with greater awareness and resilience. If you feel ready to embark on this journey, a psychotherapist is the right person to guide you on this journey.

    Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy investigates conflicts and defenses.
    Upon the occurrence of situations that psychologically he or she cannot handle, the person internally creates defenses that “protect” him or her, but that, from another point of view, limit him or her in his or her daily life. Psychopathology (understood as a symptom or disorder) is considered the “best of all possible” (but dysfunctional) solutions that that person was able (unconsciously) to put in place at that time in his or her life and for the resources at his or her disposal. The symptom, in fact, is considered a compromise solution to an unconscious conflict, a solution, however, that in the long run, greatly limits the individual’s life and creates even more discomfort for him or her.
    The goal then becomes to bring this conflict to consciousness. Once this is done, the individual can find more appropriate solutions to the conflict, and the symptom no longer becomes necessary (also freeing up the related energy, which is now available again).

    Psychoanalytic therapy is a journey toward one’s authenticity.
    It, in addition to being a path of healing, promotes self-discovery in a protected and nonjudgmental environment. Through the exploration of one’s inner world (thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories, images, etc.) one can come to better understand one’s self, the meanings of certain experiences or behaviors, one’s way of experiencing relationships, and the roots of one’s inner conflicts. This process not only helps to resolve symptoms, but also promotes lasting personal growth. Each session is an opportunity to reflect, confront and free oneself from limiting patterns.

    The Milan Psychology and Psychotherapy Studio, and Dr. Pedrazin in particular, are available for this journey of slow but fruitful transformation.

    Psychoanalysis Milan

      Dr. Laura Pedrazin, as a psychologist, psychotherapist in her practice in Milan, uses therapy to help people manage psychological symptoms and overcome problems such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, compulsions, feelings of low self-esteem or inadequacy, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, somatic manifestations, sleep disorders, and different types of addictions (gambling, substance abuse, Internet addictions, etc.). These symptoms can significantly affect the quality of life and social, couple, parenting, or work relationships.

      Psychoanalysis aims to work in depth, going beyond symptom resolution, fostering a broad process of knowledge and personal change.

      Disorders treated:

      • Anxiety symptoms,
      • Panic attacks, generalized anxiety, phobias, obsessions, compulsions
      • Affective disorders,
      • depression and mood fluctuations
      • Posttraumatic stress disorder
      • Sexual disorders and dysfunctions
      • Eating disorders
      • Psychosomatic disorders
      • Psychotic disorders
      • Self-esteem problems
      • Relational difficulties
      • Personality disorders
      • Character rigidity

      Lo Studio of Psychology, Psychotherapy Dr. Pedrazin is located in Milan, via Procaccini 11; the doctor receives in the office and online.

      Contact the firm:

      Privacy Acceptance

      7 + 10 =


      via Giulio Cesare Procaccini 11,
      20154, Milan

      Public transportation:

      Tramways 10 and 12

      M5 subway stops: Jerusalem or Monumental Cemetery

      Reception hours

      Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 19:00
      Saturday: 10:00 - 13:00

      He receives by appointment.